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Colorado Coroners Standards and Training Board


This Board establishes and maintains standards for Coroner education, training and certification in Colorado.

There are two requirements for newly elected or appointed coroners in Colorado:  

  • Attend the first available New Coroner's Institute, and
  • Within one year of election or appointment, obtain certification in basic medicolegal death investigation from a Board approved provider or obtain approval from the Board to use certification from an alternative provider.

The Board approved list of providers and the certification programs are:

  • Colorado Coroners Association:  Colorado Certified Death Investigator
  • American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators:  Registry Certification (Basic) or Board Certification (advanced)
  • American Board of Pathology:  Certified Forensic Pathologist


Connie Crouse - Administrative Assistant

Jeff Graf - Compliance Officer




Ongoing in-service or continuing education requirements

Complete and submit the Continuing Education Application Form, which you can access on the webpage.

Coroners are required to complete 20 hours of continuing education every year - January to December - and to report those hours to the Board no later than January 31st of the following year.  

  • Fill out a form and send it to the Board for each program attended. 
  • For a Conference, you must attach the complete agenda with the sessions you attended circled or highlighted and indicate the total number of hours attended. 
  • The Board approved list of training providers and programs that can be used to satisfy the ongoing in-service or continuing education training are:
    • ​Colorado Coroners Association
    • American Board of Medicolegal Death Investigators
    • American Academy of Forensic Sciences
    • National Association of Medical Examiners
    • International Association of Coroners and Medical Examiners
  • If you would like to attend a course that is not on the approved list above, please submit a request to the CCSTB to approve the course you are interested in taking - prior to attending - by submitting the course syllabus or content outline to:
  • Submission deadlines are 5 p.m. on January 3, April 1, July 1 and October 1.  If you miss the deadline, your submission will be reviewed at the next meeting.